Display Department name and Total Salary Expenditure of the Department
Write a PL/SQL block to display the department name and the total salary expenditure of the department from the Employee table.
Table name: EMPLOYEE
SALARY | NUMBER(10,2) | |
EMP_ID EMP_NAME SALARY DEPT 101 Tom 54000 MECH 102 William 43000 CSE 103 John 34560 MECH 104 Smith 56000 CSE 105 Steve 23450 IT
Sample Output:
Department-wise salary expenditure: IT department, total salary is 23450 CSE department, total salary is 99000 MECH department, total salary is 88560(Hint: Data is case sensitive. Use '/' to terminate the PL/SQL block)
Here's a step-by-step explanation of the above provided PL/SQL code:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON: This command enables the display of output in the console.
DECLARE: This keyword signals the start of the declaration section where variables and cursors are defined.
salary Employee.SALARY%type: This line declares a variable named 'salary' with the same data type as the 'SALARY' column in the 'Employee' table.
departmentname Employee.DEPT%type: Similarly, this line declares a variable named 'departmentname' with the same data type as the 'DEPT' column in the 'Employee' table.
CURSOR sal IS SELECT DEPT, SUM(SALARY) FROM Employee GROUP BY DEPT: This declares a cursor named 'sal' which retrieves department names and the total salary expenditure for each department from the 'Employee' table.
BEGIN: This keyword marks the beginning of the executable section of the PL/SQL block.
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Department-wise salary expenditure:'): This line prints a header indicating that the following output will display department-wise salary expenditure.
OPEN sal: This command opens the cursor 'sal' to start fetching data from it.
LOOP: This keyword starts a loop that iterates through the cursor result set.
FETCH sal into departmentname, salary: This command fetches the next row of data from the cursor 'sal' into the variables 'departmentname' and 'salary'.
EXIT WHEN sal%NOTFOUND: This line checks if there are no more rows to fetch from the cursor 'sal' and exits the loop if true.
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(departmentname || ' department, total salary is ' || salary): This line prints the department name concatenated with the total salary for that department.
END LOOP: This marks the end of the loop.
END: This marks the end of the PL/SQL block.
In summary, this PL/SQL code retrieves department names and their respective total salary expenditures from the 'Employee' table and prints them out in the console, providing users with a clear overview of department-wise salary expenditure.
Categories: PL/SQL Hands-on Tags: #Display department name and total salary expenditure of the Department, #PL/SQL